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Official Reggae Artist Dignitary Stylish Exclusive Interview Jamaica 2022 🇯🇲

Dignitary Stylish (b. Horace Samuels in 1965, Portmore, Jamaica) is a deejay that was noted for his cultural lyrics during the digital Dancehall era in Jamaica when non-cultural messages were quite absent. Dignitary started working in the music business in '75. He first started working for the small community sound Rock Horn (Rock Harmony?) out of Portmore, Jamaica. He would later venture on to sounds such as Ace's, Black Scorpio and Killamanjaro.

His first recording was »Pon De Attack« (1985, Thunderbolt). In 1985 he and Junior Frost had a hit with »Under Pressure« but his biggest hit came in '86 with »Jah Send Mi Come« released on Conrod Greens (from Portmore) Harmodio imprint. It reached number one on the charts in Jamaica, England, Canada and the Caribbean. The same year he released his album with the same title, Jah Send Mi Come (LP, Harmodio) and he did also perform at Reggae Sunsplash and The Sting. In '87 he released yet another hit song »Don't Touch The Crack« (12", Kangal).

In '94 Dignitary recorded »Jah A Di Bigger Boss« (7" Oneness) for Jimmy Cliff which was a hit. He has during his career recorded for Black Scorpio, Redman, Tuff Gong, King Tubby's and Exterminator.

Dignitary has toured Europe with Black Uhuru, the Caribbean with Shabba Ranks among others and in 2007 he toured the US with Don Carlos - the latter he has also toured in Brazil with. Dignitary also did some work writing songs for other artists such as Don Carlos, Admiral Tibet and Doniki.

Currently, Dignitary is running a fish restaurant in Kingston and also works actively with charity. He also helps out the Jamaican branch of Upsetta Sound International. He is currently active in recording a new album which hopefully will be released by June/July in 2009. It is produced by Galaxy.

chukka Jamaica